Tuesday 9 May 2006

I think a celebration is in order.

One of my lovely friends invited me to cellebrate the fact that 12 months to the day yesterday she "lost an excess 80kilos in the shape of a boy" I call this Man-Ditchin' day. A jolly good time was had by all with much laughter and frivolity.

I was thinking about it today on my walk to the Childhood Centre today to attend a talk on Solids when I realised that I love celebrations of any sort. Particulaly the unusual ones (such as man-ditchin' day) I like the fact that there are so many reasons to celebrate out there. I like the fact that you can celebrate in so many different ways. Wether it be a nice glass of wine because you haven't smoked in 2 years or a slap up dinner with friends because you cleaned the house or a new bottle of nice alcohol for your partner when you get a raise Or eating way too many pancakes because you made a good life decision. All these are fabulous ways and reasons.

I guess what I'm trying to say is Yay for celebrations and may there be a whole lot more in your lives.

1 comment:

Destructomeg said...

yay! There can not be too many celebrations :)