Saturday, 26 December 2009

The christmas eve family ninner worked a treat despite being so late. I suck at timings but at least there were a lot of yummy nibbly things to tide people over.
Seeing the other sis and bro-in-law and the kiddlings was simply delightful after such a long absence. Who lets kids grow-up like that?? Irresponsible I say.

Everyone came back for brekkie and present frenzy which was also deeelightful. The kilo of smoked salmon we'd bought was demolished which made me happy.
Lovely presents were given and received, the kids only got a smidge too many pressies and then a smidge curious if there were even more.

Brunch at Mim & Richard's was delicious and very very pleasant. I mostly restrained myself and thus avoided the normal sugar coma I struggle through in the afternoon. More lovely presents for all.

We had about two seconds at home in the afternoon (long enough to repack the car and let Torby have a little bit of quiet time before heading over to S&G's to help set-up for ninner.
Sooo much really really yummy food, so much lovely company and we managed to stay awake until at least 10pm.

Hopefully hunnyyydddd will forgive me for eating and running today at lunch (more delicious delicious food) but packing and car swapping and quiet time has been accomplished.
Nw has made a tasty tasty omellette for ninner, I've nibbled on some rocky road ala megzz and now amd so very ready for bed.

It's been a big couple of days.
I've had an absolute hoot (It probably won't surprise any of you, but I really really really love's all about family and friends and food and presents and sparkliness - what's not to love?) but I'm glad it's a 365days until we get to do it all again.

So I hope that you all had a day as lovely as mine.
I hope that you felt special and loved and that you had time and opportunity to revel in good company.

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