The much loved Miss J finally graduated with her PHD last week and there was much merriment at the pub to celebrate (and to catch up before she runs back to Houston. Sigh!!!!)
Yes that's her with the tongue out. What is our education system coming to.

After having a few beverages that may or may not have been of an alcoholic nature, this photo was taken. if you can tell me why, I'll buy you a beverage. I could pretend it was a brain teaser and not just me being forgetfull but I won't bother.

Education system you ask? Scruffy has 3 photos of me, and only one has me with mouth open. I think it the system is failing!!
I looked through my phone when I had a break between parents last night, and laughed so hard! I not only have salt and pepper and beer in there, but also the contatct details for a Jesus H Christ and a Hooting Monkey.
Friends of yours?
Man, I had the BESTESTEST weekend ever.
I'm not responsible for the new friends you've made. Just the start up message.
It wasn't me it was the other three
Oh, I wouldn't have other friends for like, money.
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