Tuesday 2 September 2008

I is lucky

Went to meet Miss J last night before she wooshes her way back to England. Despite her being out here for a month, due to a combination of sickness and feebleness and timing, this is the first chance I'd had to catch up with her.

Got to laugh at MissCharlie and her Lord Nelson/Hero of Waterloo confusion. So similair in so many ways, just not in location of pub :)

Got to catch up with lovely lovely chums and once again be made content by my friends.

Got to watch the excitement as MrH broke his news to people. I do so love to see my friends happy and excited.

Got to fall in love with Sydney again as I walked up Kent St from Wynard to The Rocks. Old little houses and glimpses of the water and the low sliver of a moon. Also when we got icecream and sat on a bench at Circular Quay and marvelled at the purtiness.

Got to be amazed at the adventures people are going on. Wether it's moving o/s to be with a boy, moving house, yachting to another country, announcing a new relationship or a new step in a relationship to people, job interviews and making decisions about where your life is going. All adventurous and all brave and all good.

It was a pretty cool end to a pretty cool day.

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