Thursday 5 October 2006

I'm staining the keyboard as we speak....

.....with illicit mulberry juice.
No, that's not a euphemism for anything, although it should be.
One street across from us has a block of flats with a ginormous mulberry tree in the front yard. I figure that as it hangs over the footpath and the bottom of my shoes get stained by fallen and squished berries, I'm entitled to some mulberry goodness. I stopped there on my way back from the station and gorged myself. So yummy and soooo purple. Mmmmmmmm


Mousicles said...

Yup. The neighbour's tree is starting look very good.

I've already mentioned that I'd like to come pick the fruit they can't reach - as they are an elderly couple - but then again my tree climbing abilities are a little hampered at the moment too.

They are away at the moment. I'm hoping they don't get back until sunday so I can go pick fruit tomorrow while they aren't looking... It will only fall on the ground and go to waste if I don't, I tell you...

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

there's a house three doors up with a mulberry tree in the front yard. a little midnight raid is called for, I think...

worldpeace and a speedboat said...

Mouse, if you make them a pie or pot of jam they'll be yours for life.

Mz. B.Trousers said...

I grabbed one (one! Only one!) from a tree near Spyd's the other day - it was so tasty!

I also stuck my nose in a rose and got nothing but velvety odiferous suction from it - but that was way cool too.

I love spring!

DV said...

yes, my walks home with Oliver often take longe than normal because of all the roses and jasmine and orange blossomy things about. I love it!