Tuesday 22 June 2010

Mission Accomplished

Nw and I ran away to Melbourne last weekend.

Routine needed to be broken and new people and places needed to be seen.

We got to hang out with warcrack chums and see new baaaabies.
We got fed and entertained by the lovely Impish and family.
We got to spend time with MissDawn and stain our lips purple eating black cherry macaroons at the Art Gallery.
We got to scoffle Lord of the Fries.
Nw got to go to an AFL match to watch stripey people battle it out.
I got to sit in a bar and drink wine.

It was awesome and we came back less blah than when we left.

Where was Torbyboy while all these adventures were a-happening I hear you ask...

The t'rfiic Megzz stayed over on Thursday so she could take Torby to preschool on Friday morning as we would be in the air by the time it opened.
He was then picked up by his beloved Auntie M and Unky J and the nieces who he stayed with all weekend.

The mightiness of our friends and family cannot be overstated!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I say again-twas delightful to see you both!