You can tell that it's going to be one of those days when it takes you about 3mins to peel an eye open despite the hear starting wail coming from the munchkin's room.
As I now lie on the couch desperately trying to summon enough energy to go get some panadol in the hopes that this will help combat the stuffy head and sore throat, I'm very, very, very glad of Playschool and Pocoyo and Bob the Builder DVD's. Between them and lashings of paper and pens, I may be able to keep Torby distracted enough to cope with the day....Oh yes, I rock as a mum :)

Hope you are feeling better soon. Word verification seems to be clearing its throat as well 'foictc'.
you should probably go to the doctor, our throats were v manky and needed antibiotics.
*hugs*... from a distance.
Lemon and honey drinks for you! (And don't pull that face at me, they will do you good.) Don't make me come over there and set up an IV.
oh this is exactly why we have TVs... not to watch educational documentaries or even the news (i agree that it's too depressing to watch most days) or even fine shirts-off swashbuckling of the Hornblower or Mr Darcy type. It is to keep us sane when we need our kids distracted. Like when we need to go to the loo or talk on the phone for 15 seconds without interruption or crumple into a snotty heap under a doona.
hope it gets better soon. We have lots of Charlie & Lola if you get desperate...
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