Wednesday 9 April 2008

sometimes you get given a reminder of just how lucky you are

Whilst dragging my still slighty lurgied arse o the shops with the oh-so-very lurgied munchkin in tow, we stopped at the lights behind a group of kids and their carers. What made this different to any other school outing was that all these kids had spina bifida.

Like any parent, having my child have anything wrong with him kept me up at night while i was pregnant. We had already agreed to terminate the pregnancy if the tests showed that there was a high likelihood of Downs Syndrome. But there are a lot that you can't prepare for and those are the scary ones.

The fact that I have a happy healthy child who has all the bits he should, none that he doesn't and seems to have at least average learning capabilities really is something I should be grateful of more often.

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